The Port of Felixtowe has closed this afternoon (Friday 25th September) due to high winds and will remain non-operational until at least 1AM tomorrow morning.
Container transport operators have been advised that collection bookings in the system will be cancelled and that there will be restricted access for the hours that follow. This may impact deliveries planned for the weekend and Monday and could affect any export departures relying on Friday container drops.
While the closure has been caused by adverse weather conditions, it will not come as goods news to the many importers, exporters and logistics companies who are already suffering with delays due to congestion, a lack of container transport and reduced port operations.
As reported recently, Felixstowe has been particulalrly impacted by the high demand from Asia and the knock on effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
If you are concerned about container collections or deliveries early next week then please contact the Westbound team.
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