Within 48 hours of the January rates being issued carriers announce an increase in the PSS (Peak Season Surcharge) effective from January 7th.

FCL rates are climbing by the thousands, with UK bound cargo from Asia costing upwards of $12,800 per 40ft container.

USA West Coast (from Asia) had remained comparatively stable up to now. However, severe congestion at Long Beach and other West Coast ports has worsened and shipping lines have implemented another $1000+ increase to try ease the volume strains.

It looks like being a rocky January across the board.

Ocean freight FCL movements from Asia are currently provided strictly on a spot quote/rate basis as the rate movements are extremely volatile right now.

Although, our LCL rates have been reissued to reflect the PSS adjustment.

At Westbound Logistics we pride ourselves in offering personalised and tailored logistics solutions. To find out more please call 01375 800800​ oemail info@westboundglobal.com.