The UK Government’s overall strategy to transition to a low-carbon economy with a target of net zero is one of the defining issues of the 21st Century.
In addition to this the UK is currently experiencing significantly elevated energy prices. The cost of energy consumption at some ports in the UK is forecast to increase by almost 50% compared to 2021 levels and the UK Government has introduced the removal of the lower rate of fuel duty on red diesel for UK port operators from 1st April, 2022.
Unfortunately, with such a fundamental increase in energy prices, ports across the UK are passing the impact of these cost increases onto their supply chain partners through the introduction of varying EAM (Energy Adjustment Mechanism) and FDR (Fuel Duty Recovery) fees.
These fees are variable and are being introduced at different times of the year for each port and will affect the overall cost of Customs Clearance at UK ports.
Therefore, we are updating our clients as and when they are implemented. For the latest increases, which will be effective from the 1st of February we are already in the process of updating our client rate cards.
It is important to communicate that we have NOT increased the cost of the customs entry services we provide, the new fees are applied to recover the respective costs passed on by the port.
If you are a new client to Westbound and don’t yet have a rate card in place, please get in touch via and we’ll be happy to help.
If you have any questions regarding the above, then Westbound are here to help. So, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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