Driver Shortage Impacting Everyday Life
The chronic driver shortage is continuing to impact container transport,…
US Congestion Hits Record Numbers
The impact of congestion in the United States has been intensifying further…
Covid Case leads To Ningbo Terminal Closure
Ningbo’s Meidong Container Terminal suspended operations yesterday…
Driver Shortages - UK & US Face Two Week Lead Times
The ongoing issues with driver shortages are further impacting collections…
Driver Shortage Leads To Further Surcharges
With the driver shortage now recognised to be at crisis point, we have been…
Ever Given Finally Due To Arrive Felixstowe
The infamously disruptive steamship ‘Ever Given’ is finally due…
South East Asia Output Hit By Covid
New waves of covid have recently led to more lockdowns in South East Asia,…
Container Transport Increasingly Impacted By Driver Shortage
The driver shortage is increasingly impacting the container transport…