1. Shipment Information

Shipping type

  • This field cannot be empty

Usually, when requiring an express service, a courier service is best suited, unless your consignment is over 130kgs/0,4cbm then please re-select "By Air"

If your shipment is 130kgs or less, an Express courier service would be the most cost effective. Whilst we do not offer our own courier services, you can benefit from our UPS partnership tariff and make an instant booking via our dedicated Westbound Parcels website. Click continue if you would like to proceed to this website."


  • This field cannot be empty

Ocean Type

  • This field cannot be empty

Trucking Type

  • This field cannot be empty

Pickup Location

  • This field cannot be empty

Destination type

  • This field cannot be empty

Origin city

This field cannot be empty

Destination city

This field cannot be empty

Amazon Warehouse

This field cannot be empty

Cargo Ready Date

This field cannot be empty

2. Cargo Information

Packaging type

  • This field cannot be empty


  • This field cannot be empty


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Length ()

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Width ()

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Height ()

This field cannot be empty

Weight per carton/pallet ()

This field cannot be empty

Commodity Description

This field cannot be empty

3. Contact Information

This field cannot be empty
This field cannot be empty
This field cannot be empty

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